Every now and then you will be assigned a bug that seems impossible. You try to reproduce it, but you fail. You look at the code, and what happened seems impossible. It may now be tempting to add some if-statement to just make sure the object isn't null (for example) and close the bug. Don't Do That!
Doing that will cause a lot more trouble down the road. The problem will most likely come up again in some other part of your code, and then you'll be on yet one unplanned rescue mission. Maybe you'll be tempted once again to add a quick-fix and before you know your code will be full of them - all added with your best intention.
Then come the day when you find the real bug! Hooray! Finally your days of applying that dirty fix on different spots around your projects is over. But will you go back and revert your qd:s? No. Either there is no time, or you don't want to touch what works, or you just leave them there to take care about if this would happen again - but if you are like most people you will surely leave them there to rot. Don't Do That!
Leaving them mean more code to maintain, more things that can go wrong and more useless processor cycles. If there is an "if" in your fix (and it usually is) there will also be more forks in the code, which is very error prone.
So what should you do? You should put all your effort into being able to reproduce the bug. If you still fail, ask someone to help you reproduce the bug. If it seems to be a timing issue, write something that pushes your code so much that you cause the error within reasonable time before you try to solve it. Once again, how can you be sure you've solved the problem if you can't test if the problem disappeared when you're done?
Doing that will cause a lot more trouble down the road. The problem will most likely come up again in some other part of your code, and then you'll be on yet one unplanned rescue mission. Maybe you'll be tempted once again to add a quick-fix and before you know your code will be full of them - all added with your best intention.
Then come the day when you find the real bug! Hooray! Finally your days of applying that dirty fix on different spots around your projects is over. But will you go back and revert your qd:s? No. Either there is no time, or you don't want to touch what works, or you just leave them there to take care about if this would happen again - but if you are like most people you will surely leave them there to rot. Don't Do That!
Leaving them mean more code to maintain, more things that can go wrong and more useless processor cycles. If there is an "if" in your fix (and it usually is) there will also be more forks in the code, which is very error prone.
So what should you do? You should put all your effort into being able to reproduce the bug. If you still fail, ask someone to help you reproduce the bug. If it seems to be a timing issue, write something that pushes your code so much that you cause the error within reasonable time before you try to solve it. Once again, how can you be sure you've solved the problem if you can't test if the problem disappeared when you're done?