holly woolard @holly_woolard
A Flock of SQLs #FailedTechBands
Dan North @tastapod
JSON Donovan #FailedTechBands
Obinna Egbule @Oegbule
The Black IPs #FailedTechBands
herr beesch @herrBeesch
Run DMZ #FailedTechBands
MrLarry @MrLarry
Rick ASCII #FailedTechBands
Tania @CongoKasongo
Bit.ly Spears "It's Bit.ly b****!" #FailedTechBands
Christine Erickson @christerickson
Linkedin Park #FailedTechBands
Dan North @tastapod
Emerson Lake and PalmPilot #failedtechbands
Vince Speelman @VinSpee
A Dell #FailedTechBands
Sarah @SarahFKessler
Johnny Cache #failedtechbands
Christine Erickson @christerickson
The Google Dolls #FailedTechBands
Mikolas Hämäläinen @mikolas
Red Hat Chili Peppers #FailedTechBands
MissGalore @MissGalore
Samantha Firefox #FailedTechBands
eremy Rosenberg @lexlimo
The Grateful Thread #FailedTechBands
Rich Oglesby @Rich_Oglesby
U2ube #failedtechbands
duckysherwood @duckysherwood
Tori Cmos #failedTechBands
1126 @1126tw
@DerGuteMoritz What about the Dead Lock Chili Peppers?#FailedTechBands
Jørgen Vig Jensen @Kronsj
Iggy Pop3 #FailedTechBands
Scott Kerr @scott_kerr
Dropbox Murphys #FailedTechBands
Alf Jørgen Bråtane @alfjorgen
Perl Jam #FailedTechBands
Jim Halfpenny @jimhalfpenny
System Of A Downtime #FailedTechBands
bgstaal @bgstaal
Nine inch thumbnails #FailedTechBands
Tommy Bryntse @tommycode
System is shut Down #FailedTechBands
Marco Tabini @mtabini
.mobi #FailedTechBands
Dan North @tastapod
The Console Twins #FailedTechBands